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Here you’ll find minutes of recent AGMs and EGMs:

AGM 2020 Minutes: The one we had to do virtually.

AGM 2019 Minutes: The one where Ryan tried to become sexy.

AGM 2018 Minutes: The one where Ryan and Liam got fabulous.

2015-2017: The ones where we lost the minutes…

AGM 2014 Minutes: The one with the biscuits.

EGM 2013 Minutes: The one where Katie was elected.

AGM 2013 Minutes: The one where the forum ended.

EGM 2012 Minutes: The one where fresher’s fair rep was elected.

AGM 2012 Minutes: The one where Susan and Claire got a bit messy…

AGM 2011 Minutes: The One with the Mexican Wave and where Julie husted from Austria.

EGM 2010 Minutes: The one where Lauren was Elected and the Exec were Forced to Wear Silly Hats.

AGM 2010 Minutes: The One where the Boat gets Named and RON gets Personified.