
So, ever wonder why a mole? Well here’s the story, as far as I know it:
Once upon a time, in an exec meeting not so very far from here, a secretary was bored. So bored in fact, that they began to doodle. “What to doodle? what to doodle?” the secretary thought. And as the pen touched the paper, a molehill was formed. And as they say, from tiny molehills, moles do rise.
So our mascot was born. The image on the right shows moles throughout the ages, and the link below takes you to lots more moles! Click here for more moles
- The website for the Great North East Rally
- The website for the 2001 DUSAGG reunion
- Check out page 7 for our starring role in OUSGG’s 2007 newsletter
Newsletters through the years…
The Little Issue
A DUSAGG newsletter from yesteryears…
- Edition 1: Michaelmas 1996
- Edition 2: Epiphany 1997
- Edition 3: Easter 1997
- Edition 4: Michaelmas 1997
- Edition 5: Epiphany 1999
DUSAGG’s Termly Report
- Epiphany 2013
- Summer 2012
- Epiphany 2012
- Michaelmas 2011
- Summer 2011
- Epiphany 2011
- Michaelmas 2010
- Summer 2010
- Epiphany 2010
DUSAGG Shinanagons
- DUSAGG Shinanagons Epiphany Issue 2011
- DUSAGG Shinanagons AGM Magazine Issue 2011
- DUSAGG Shinanagons Michaelmas 2010
Zodiac Challenge

“Spend one night per calendar month (not necessarily consecutively or in the same year) for a total of twelve months under canvas, bivouac or bothy completing 12 different challenges from the list, one for each month’s camp.”
See the original list below:
- At 0 degrees or below
- Above 2000 feet
- On an island
- Outwith England
- At sea level
- With 20 people or more
- In a bivouac
- At least 6 feet above ground level
- Jointly with Network
- With another Youth Organisation
- With Overseas Scouts
- At a County event as DUSAGG staff
- In a bothy
- For 5 consecutive nights
- As part of a Queen Scout/Guide Award
- As part of an Expedition on water
- As part of an Expedition on bikes
- As part of an Expedition on foot
- As part of a Jamboree event
- Underground
- On a beach
- On your own!
- In a forest
- As part of DUSAGG Summer Camp
- As part of DUSAGG Freshers’ Camp