Issue 3: Easter Term 1997

Durham University Scout and Guide Group Newsletter
Issue 3: Easter Term 1997
President’s Report by Mad Emuss
This term has seen some great DUSAGG moments, such as a sheep actually running away from Paul Belmont, another of Claire Gebert’s parties and continued success in the pub quiz (we even beat the Enigma team once or twice!) A big “goodbye” to everyone who’s growing up and leaving Durham – do keep in touch and look out for details of 2001: a DUSAGG Odyssey a big reunion coming soonish! For those of you still in Durham please rejoin next year, and have a good time until I next see you.
Rock Climbing by Paul Belmont
With exam panic hitting Durham, only 3 DUSAGGers and some poor Mary’s girl Mad had grabbed assembled at the bus station for an afternoon of falling from fibre-glass walls, sorry, indoor rock climbing, at Newton Aycliffe.
The instructor decided to give us a chance on as many different routes as possible, as well as a free extra hour! Susan’s mastering of the overhang was particularly impressive. I got a big shock when having fallen from the cliff face, I found the belayer dangling several inches below me. Ah, the joy of being fat!
We finally left (much to the relief of the staff) to take on the incredible maze of Newton Aycliffe bus stops (how many can you fit around one shopping centre?) Luckily, with the aid of a very helpful passing bus driver, pointing further down the street each time he passed, we managed to escape with only an hour spent in torrential rain.
Summer Camp at Kinver by Susan Sweet
This year’s camp started with a flying stottie and finished with the passing around of Jilly Cooper novels! Seven DUSAGGers (most of the exec plus an extra one: me) arrived in Kinver to find glorious weather and lots of Brownie leaders who were thankfully just leaving. Mad surprised several people with her new improved hairstyle but I wonder if she regrets letting DUSAGG descend on Kinver!
We were most impressed by the hut particularly when we discovered we could all have a top bunk.
It wasn’t long before we were sampling the delicacies of the local Chippie but our better intentions decided it was a little too early to go to the pub, but we went there later on anyway. The evening was filled with revealing conversations and an appearance from Claire Gebert. We even managed to gain a body for the night, Claire’s sister!
Sunday started early with canoeing on the river Severn with Mike and I both falling in, causing the loss of a pair of sunglasses and a shoe. By the time we got back to the hut we were all very tired and the walk that had been planned for the afternoon was cancelled. The day was finished off with Mad’s Mum’s bolognaise which was absolutely delicious, a game of frisbee which had us in stitches and a campfire. Oh, and Paul got lost and fell out of a tree.
Monday was spent in Cadbury’s world where my favourite bit was Cadabra, and in the Science Museum. The physicists were in their element! The “hands on” area was definitely a favourite. That evening we were joined by Claire again with her sister. The Indian went down very well as did the drinks afterwards. On Tuesday we finally got a lie in but unfortunately we also had to return to Durham. We got some funny looks on the train when we started singing Happy Birthday to Mike but what less can DUSAGG expect.
It was definitely a camp to remember, we were so busy that the quote book is decidedly empty. Special thanks must go to Andrew’s Mum and Dad for driving us, lending us a car and to Andrew’s dad for letting us go canoeing. Special thanks must also go to Mad for organising such a brilliant camp and letting us see her home town.
I’m all covered in tree – Helen Spooner, first non-sexual quote since 1976
Paul only opens his mouth to change feet! – Claire Gebert
Susan: I’m hot
Andrew: We knew that already!
Cold flannels never work for me – Helen Spoone
Morson Trophy by Charlotte Hastings
This year’s Morson Trophy took place indoors, just for a change, and was won by the Guides that had struggled so hard to impress Paul! Based around a theme of coinage (the Opal fruit) the Guides entered Framville and proceeded to build towers, tickle first aid casualties, find Andrew (in a snowstorm, surely worthy of some praise) and make some pancakes (with varying degrees of success). Adverts for their new town were also recorded, featuring bizarre and random words. (Wahey! managed to get both catchphrases in one sentence!) However, surely greatest credit must go, for sheer entertainment value, to the Guides who tied their feet to two planks (all five of them) and proceeded to do multiple splits. A great time was had by all and over fifty Guides certainly seemed to enjoy themselves.
Young Guiders’ Support Group by Claire Gebert
Last term it was suggested that we start a support group for young Guiders in County Durham. The purpose of this group was that we should not only organise training but also provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and help.
The County have been very supportive in this venture and after a meeting held at the beginning of this term, have agreed to a provisional first meeting in late October.
Walk to Witton Gilbert by Phil Maudsley
On a sunny Thursday, seven of us set off to walk from Durham to Witton Gilbert. After an impromptu tour of Durham’s more spectacular back-street alleyways, we went up some hills, down some hills then back up some more hills, before breaking out into the countryside. By this time, my digi-walker was reading 87.3 miles, which wasn’t entirely accurate.
We were soon bowling along over fields of long, very wet grass, eventually meeting the Lanchester Valley Railway (disused) and then on to Witton Gilbert and the Traveller’s Rest, where a jolly landlord served us Real Ale and Traditional Pub Food. The choice presented by the Dessert menu was too much for some, who curled up into small balls, giggling manically, although we never did find out what Dime Bar cake was.
Sticky Bud and Long Piece of Grass fights ensued as we followed the River Brownly back to Durham, and Louise’s Legs (bared on account of wearing shorts) became increasingly red as the nettles dived in for the kill.We visited the ruins of Bearpark Chapel where Paul had a chance encounter with a lamb, and after having waited only 38 minutes to cross the road at the Stonebridge inn, we finished with a total distance walked of 11 miles.
First Impressions of DUSAGG by Sarah Frearson, edited for politeness, decency and so that her housemate doesn’t kill her
They are slightly more normal than Treasure Trap.
Unlike Treasure Trap, they have the ability to talk about something other than their Society.
They seem to throw up when they get, err, drunk.
They can’t cook pancakes.
For further information please contact:PR Officer
Durham University Scout And Guide Group
Durham Students’ Union
Dunelm House
New Elvet
These pages are copyright © DUSAGG, MCMXCVII
Written by Andrew Stribblehill